When Do Green Beans Go Bad? (Answered)

When Do Green Beans Go Bad

When green beans are in season, it’s very easy to go overboard and buy in abundance. These crisp and nutritious beans can be used in a variety of ways from a healthy side dish to a delicious snack. So having extra green beans is rarely a problem.

However, if you don’t use your green beans fast enough then they can start to get soggy and brown. So how long do you have before your green beans go bad?

Fresh green beans typically last up to a week in the refrigerator. However, green beans are best eaten within 3 to 5 days since they start to soften as they age. Cooked green beans can also last up to 7 days in the refrigerator although cooked green beans can go bad faster if they’re sitting in liquid or oil.

In order to extend the lifespan of green beans, cut and freeze any extra fresh green beans before they go bad in order to save them for up to 6 to 12 months.

Green beans might last longer or go bad before the times listed above. Let’s cover the signs of when green beans go bad so you can determine whether or not your beans are still good to eat.

How Do I Know If My Green Beans Have Gone Bad?

Before adding the green beans in your next cooked meal, it’s very important to make sure that they are fresh and good to eat. The best way to tell this is by looking at their color and texture.

Fresh green beans have a dark green color and are firm to the touch. Fresh green beans will also make a nice snap sound when you break them in half.

Older green beans can have a light or pale green color and will turn yellow and brown when they’ve gone bad. These older green beans will also feel soggy to the touch and can get mushy or slowly rip apart when you try to break them in half.

Here are the most common signs that show your green beans have spoiled :

  • The color has changed from dark green to pale green, yellow, or brown
  • The texture is soft and mushy
  • There are signs of mold and bruise or soft spots
  • They smell funky
    • Just like other spoiled food, green beans put off an unpleasant smell when they go bad

If you’re not seeing any of these signs, your green beans are probably still good to eat.

Use your fresh green beans soon or cut and freeze them immediately so that you can have tasty green beans to use in the future.

How To Store Green Beans

Green beans can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Green beans, and other firm fruits and vegetables, prefer the crisper or high humidity drawer.

Do not confuse high humidity with washing the green beans or spraying water in this drawer. All produce should be stored dry in this drawer but they last longer when cool and humid.

Never wash your green beans before refrigeration. The water will cause them to wilt and spoil faster in your refrigerator. You want to make sure your green beans are dry when storing.

You can store freshly picked green beans that have dirt on them in a plastic or zip lock bag and placing this in the refrigerator. Once again, do not wash the green beans before refrigeration. Instead, you can wash these green beans before cooking them.

How To Freeze Green Beans

Freezing the green beans is very similar to freezing other vegetables. Here is how you freeze green beans:

  • Take all your green beans and wash them very nicely to get rid of any dirt and debris. This is the most important process for freezing the veggies.
  • Next, let them dry completely in air or use a towel to speed up the process.
  • Cut them into the size you would eat the. I recommend 1-2 inch pieces to optimize your storage space.
  • Optional: Next you can blanch the green beans. This helps in preserving the green bean’s crunch, color, and nutrients. Place them in boiling water for about 2 to 3 minutes and then give them an ice bath for a minute. Dry these freshly blanched green beans of any moisture with a towel or by air.
  • Next divide them into small portions and pack into airtight freezer bags. Add the date so you know how long these green beans have been frozen.
  • Finally, place them in the freezer with your other frozen veggies and use them in the next 6 to 12 months.
frozen green beans

Green beans might last up to 12 months in the freezer but 6 months is a safe time. Your freezer might be colder or the green beans might be placed closer to the freezing unit. All of these things can affect how long the green beans can be preserved.

Just make sure that there isn’t freezer burn on the green beans.


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