Why Are My Begonia Leaves Curling?

Why Are My Begonia Leaves Curling

Known for their creative blooms in vibrant colors; from soft pink and milky white to shades of rubies or deep rose – begonias are some of the most loved plants of home gardeners around the world.

Begonia offer numerous options for growing both in the ground or containers and their gorgeous blooms and distinct foliage always keep the flower gardeners hooked to them.

However, sometimes begonia leaves may start to curl which is an early sign of stress.

If your begonia leaves are curling, you’re in the right place because we’ve found the most common issues and their solutions.

This comprehensive guide will help you keep your beautiful begonia upright as we’ve jotted down a plethora of maintenance and care tips along with the reasons that cause begonia leaves to curl.

The most common reason for a begonia plant’s leaves to curl is underwatering. When a begonia plant is under-watered, the plant isn’t able to deliver the essential nutrients to the leaves and thus the leaves start curling. Other common reasons that can cause curling leaves are hot temperature, overfertilization, hard water, diseases, and insects.

Carefully monitoring the water and temperature around the begonia will usually solve the issue of curling leaves.

Main Causes Of Curling Leaves On Begonia Plants

As a grower, the most effective way to solve a problem is by properly identifying the cause. So make sure to pay attention to your plant and how your changes affect the plant.

Once you’ve found the cause of curling of your Begonia leaves, you’ll be able to bring your begonia plant back to its full beauty.

Let’s dive into the reasons and solutions for curling leaves on a begonia.

1. Underwatering

Underwatering the begonia will cause the leaves to curl.

When a plant is not watered enough, it doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to remain healthy and fresh.

A parched plant will dry out which is what causes the leaves to curl. This means that the leaves are suffering from nutrient deficiency and are lacking moisture which appears in the form of curling of leaves.

How To Solve Underwatering

The first thing you should do to solve the underwatering issue of the begonia plants is to check the soil.

If the soil of the top layer is dry and the rest of the soil is moist then it means that the plant is watered enough.

However, if the soil feels dry 1 or 2 inches beneath the surface then it means that the plant is not receiving enough water.

A Begonia plant prefers to be in a moist environment so it’s important that the plant is regularly watered.

If you see that the soil is moist and the leaves are still curling then the plant will need more humidity in the air which can be provided with a humidifier.

When To Water Begonias

Follow these steps in order to determine when to water a begonia plant:

  1. Insert your index finger into the soil 1 to 2 inches deep
  2. Feel for moisture
  3. Water if the soil is dry
  4. Do not water if the soil is wet or moist

2. Overwatering

Believe it or not but overwatering can also be problematic for your Begonia.

You might be thinking that providing more water to you plant is a good thing but overwatering can actually be harmful to your plant.

When you water a begonia too much, the roots will begin to rot. Once the roots are rotted then the plant will be unable to drink the water it needs or absorb nutrients from the soil.

Root rot will cause the leaves to curl as the roots aren’t able to provide nutrients or water to the plant properly.

How To Solve Overwatering

Water the begonia only when you can feel that the soil about 1 to 2 inches deep is dry.

Make sure that the begonia is planted in a pot with a drainage hole. If the pot doesn’t have any way for excess water to drain out then this will eventually damage the plant’s roots.

Another tip is to make sure that the plant is in a pot full of potting soil. If the begonia is planted in a pot with regular soil, topsoil, or even compost then the soil will not properly drain.

Soil that is used in the garden does not drain well enough to be used in a pot.

When To Water Begonias

Follow these steps in order to determine when to water a begonia plant:

  1. Insert your index finger into the soil 1 to 2 inches deep
  2. Feel for moisture
  3. Water if the soil is dry
  4. Do not water if the soil is wet or moist

3. Lack Of Nutrients

To keep the begonia happy and healthy, you must provide all of the essential nutrients that the plant needs.

A lack of nutrients will often cause the begonia plant to appear parched and hence result in curling of leaves.

A good balance of nutrients includes phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. Thankfully most potting soils will have a healthy balance of nutrients that the plant needs.

If the plant is not able to absorb these nutrients or they aren’t provided to them then the leaves will begin to curl.

How To Solve Lack Of Nutrients

Fertilizing the plant once a month will help ensure that the begonia is receiving enough nutrients especially during the spring and summer months.

Most potting soil include nutrients needed by most plants. However, you may be able to find potting soil specific to begonias which will have the desired ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium (N-P-K) so you wouldn’t need to fertilize the plant for a few months.

4. Poor Water Quality

If the water quality is poor then the begonia plants will suffer from the excess minerals or contaminants.

For example, if the water is polluted or contains too many chemicals or minerals then the begonia plant won’t remain healthy.

Most of the time we don’t know what’s exactly in the local tap water. So it’s best to use rainwater or spring water when watering your plants.

However, if you’re like me, then tap water will work just fine as long as you take some preventative steps down below.

How To Solve Poor Water Quality

If you know that the water you’re using for your begonia plants has other things in it, such as tap water, then follow these steps:

  1. Fill a pitcher or container full of tap water
  2. Wait 1 to 6 hours for the hard minerals to settle to the bottom
  3. Slowly pour the water onto your plants while not pouring the water near the bottom

5. Too Much Fertilizer

Begonia plants, much like any other plant, cannot be overfed or overfertilized as this will cause issues.

Typically overfertilization will flood the soil with too many nutrients where the plant will be unable to absorb the nutrients it needs. Ironically, there are too many nutrients that the roots can get clogged from absorbing nutrients or water.

As the plant is unable to absorb the nutrients or water it needs to survive, the leaves will begin to curl. Typically the leaves will also begin to discolor, such as turn yellow.

So if your plant has curling leaves that are changing colors then you are likely overfertilizing your plant.

How To Solve Overfertilizing

First and foremost, do not overfertilize your plant. Typically plants can handle about 1 fertilization a month for non-fruiting plants. However, follow the recommended schedule on the fertilizer’s packaging.

If the plant still appears to have issues of overfertilization even after you have stopped, then you will need to repot your plant.

Repotting your begonia into a pot of fresh soil will give the plant the much needed reset it needs. Moreover, it will allow the plant to stabilize before needing any more fertilizer.

Remember, most potting soils include a certain level of nutrients so fertilizing usually isn’t necessary for the plant to live. However, the right level of fertilizer will help the plant grow faster and produce flower or fruits.

Temperature Issues

Temperature issues can also cause the Begonia leaves to curl.

Begonias prefer temperatures to be on the cooler side, between 60°F to 70°F. So try to keep the begonia plant in an air controlled area.

Rapid temperature changes can also cause the Begonia plant’s leaves to curl.

How To Solve Temperature Issues

Make sure to keep the begonia plant away from any drafty windows, doorways, or air vents. This will stress the plant and can cause the leaves to curl.

It helps to have a thermometer near your plants so you can see what the average temperature is like. If the temperature is fluctuating too much or is too hot or too cold then try placing the begonia plant somewhere else.

Final Thoughts On Begonia Leaves Curling

The main culprits curling leaves on Begonia plants are underwatering or overwatering, poor water quality, and temperature. Apart from these, some diseases and insect infestations can also cause the Begonia leaves to curl.

However, these are usually easy to spot whenever you see strange bugs or fungus growing on or near your plant.

Now that you’ve learned how to solve the most common reasons for curling leaves on a Begonia plant, you can take advantage of this cheerful plant in the summer landscape. The most beautiful and healthy Begonias result from consistent watering and providing the right environmental conditions.


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