Can You Freeze Cream Cheese? (Answered)

Can You Freeze Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is one of those versatile dairy products that can be used from cake frostings to a delicious topping on top of your morning bagel. However, cream cheese doesn’t seem to last very long so what happens when you buy cream cheese in bulk or have excess?

Can you freeze cream cheese or will it be unusable after being frozen?

Cream cheese can be stored in the freezer for up to two months. However, the texture of cream cheese will change when thawed so a bagel with cream cheese may not taste as good. Frozen and thawed cream cheese does taste great when used in baked goods like casseroles, cakes, and hot-dip since the texture difference will be removed through the baking process.

If you’re an avid baker of cheesecakes or baked goods that call for cream cheese, you can stock up on cream cheese, store it in the freezer, and thaw as needed.

Below we’ll cover some frequently asked questions and tips when it comes to freezing cream cheese.

How To Freeze Cream Cheese

If you bought a big batch of cream cheese bars and need to store the excess bars then place them fully packaged in the freezer. Store bought cream cheese is sold in air tight packaging which is perfect for freezer.

Cream Cheese Block

If you open and use some cream cheese then the excess needs to be packed into an airtight container. It’s best to place the excess cream cheese into a zip lock bag, squeeze out the air, and place this into the freezer.

Pro Tip: Write today’s date onto the cream cheese packaging so that you know how long it has been stored in the freezer.

How Long Can Cream Cheese Be Stored In The Freezer?

Cream cheese can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months. Make sure that the cream cheese is not expired before freezing.

After 2 months in the freezer, the cream cheese will dry out and will no longer be usable. The texture will be too crumbly to revive and the taste will be a little sour or spoiled. It is best to use cream cheese well within the 2-month window of expiry.

How Do You Thaw Cream Cheese?

The best method for thawing cream cheese is to place it in the refrigerator overnight or for several hours.

The texture of thawed cream cheese will be a little grainy and crumbly. You may also see some excess water in the package. However, neither of these things are a problem, nor does it mean that the cream cheese is spoiled. Just whisk it all together and you’re good to go.

If your plans to use defrosted cream cheese came together spontaneously and you need to thaw your cream cheese quickly then you can place your fully packaged cream cheese into a bowl with warm water.

Make sure that only the packaging comes in contact with the water and not the cream cheese directly. Monitor closely. The cream cheese should thaw within 5-10 minutes.

After the cream cheese is thawed then it is recommended to use it in baked goods. It is not recommended to eat thawed frozen cream cheese directly since the texture will be crumbly.

How To Revive Thawed Cream Cheese

If the cream cheese is too crumbly or a little dried out then there are ways to revive it. Typically this happens if the cream cheese is thawed out near the 2 month window so try to use cream cheese sooner than later.

Here are steps to revive and smooth out thawed cream cheese:

First start whisking the cream cheese. This will go a long way in helping you get that creamy texture again.

If you do not have a whisk handy then you can use a fork or a silicone spatula. Mix against the edge of the bowl. You can also add a little bit of milk, heavy cream, or sour cream to help revive the texture.

Secondly you can microwave your cream cheese in a microwave-safe bowl for 10 seconds. Whisk well. Repeat as many times as you need to achieve the smooth texture and consistency.

The final option is to set up a double boiler. Fill a saucepan with a little bit of water and turn the heat on. Place a heatproof bowl on top of the saucepan and place the cream cheese inside.

Similar to melting chocolate, the cream cheese will slowly warm up and melt which makes it possible to mix together. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not directly contact the boiling water. Make sure to watch the cream cheese since it if melts too much then it might be too runny for the recipe.

What Are The Best Uses For Defrosted Cream Cheese?

Given the textural changes that occur in cream cheese after thawing, it is best to use cream cheese in baked dishes.

Some popular baked recipes include cheesecake, hot dips, baked casserole dishes, and cookies.

Can You Bake A Cheesecake Using Thawed Cream Cheese?

There is some debate among bakers on the use of thawed cream cheese in cheesecake. Given that cream cheese is a star ingredient in this dish, it is understandable there’s some controversy.

However, as long as you whisk your cream cheese and revive its smooth consistency before using it to bake a cheesecake, you are good to go. The taste of the cream cheese should not be dramatically altered through freezing, it’s really just the texture. Follow the tips above on how to revive crumbly cream cheese and bake away!

Final Thoughts

Cream cheese is freezer friendly, but it is worth noting the textural changes that occur after some time hanging out in extra cold temperatures.

It’s best to aim to use up your frozen cream cheese as soon as possible. Plan to use thawed cream cheese for recipes in which it will be mixed with other ingredients and baked, such as casserole, cheesecake, and hot dips.

If you’ve got some extra cream cheese lying around that is about to expire, don’t let it go to waste. Pop it in the freezer and use within a couple of months.

Happy baking!


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