Does Pumpkin Pie Need To Be Refrigerated? (Explained)

Does Pumpkin Pie need to be referigerated

It’s autumn, also known as pumpkin pie season! With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas around the corner, you may have plans to bake pumpkin pie and might be wondering if it needs to be refrigerated or if it’s safe to keep on the counter.

Perhaps you’re here because with the chaos of the holidays, you baked your pumpkin pie and left it out all evening. We’ve all been there.

So, can you leave pumpkin pie out on the countertop or does pumpkin pie need to be refrigerated?

Pumpkin pie that’s displayed on a room temperature counter at the store is safe to be left out at home. These store bought pies have preservatives that allow them to safely remain at room temperature. All other homemade or frozen pumpkin pies must be refrigerated before and after cooking. The US FDA recommends placing any dish containing eggs or dairy products in the refrigerator within 2 hours or as little as 1 hour if the air temperature is above 90°F.

Why Some Pumpkin Pies are Stored on the Counter

You may have seen pumpkin pies sitting out on the counter at a grocery store or a bakery. So how do these pumpkin pies stay safe at room temperature while others need to be refrigerated?

pumpkin pie stored at room temperature

Pumpkin pies sitting on the counter at grocery stores or bakeries contain added preservatives. As a result, these pies are shelf stable and will not develop harmful bacteria sitting on the counter.

You can leave these pumpkin pies out on the counter until the sell by date. After the sell by date, the pumpkin pie should be refrigerated.

Homemade and Home Baked Pumpkin Pie

Below are guidelines surrounding homemade and home baked pumpkin pies since these frequently include eggs or dairy products.

Pumpkin Pie Must Be Refrigerated Within Two Hours of Baking

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), any foods containing eggs or dairy must be refrigerated.

If you do not refrigerate or freeze your pie within that time frame, harmful bacteria can grow and develop. This harmful bacteria can cause food poisoning which is not what we want to spread for the holidays.

Before storing the freshly baked pumpkin pie into the refrigerator or freezer, we need to cover how to properly store the pie.

How to Store Pumpkin Pie Safely in the Fridge or Freezer

Here are some options when it comes to properly storing pumpkin pie slices in the fridge:

  1. Place the pumpkin pie inside a sealed container
  2. Wrap the pumpkin pie in plastic wrap
  3. Wrap the pumpkin pie in aluminum foil

Ideally, the baked pumpkin pie should be cool before placing into the refrigerator. If the pie is still steaming then there may be added condensation and moisture which can lead to a soggy pie.

However, you can store a freshly baked pie into the refrigerator and it will be safe to eat later. The added moisture will not cause any serious issues.

In order to safely store pumpkin pie in the refrigerator, the temperature of the fridge must be set to 40ºF or below. Most refrigerators are set to a temperature below 40ºF.

How Long Pumpkin Pie Keeps in the Fridge and Freezer

Homemade pumpkin pie last for 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator after baking. Pumpkin pies can last for up to 6 or 9 months in the freezer if properly stored.

Store-bought pumpkin pies are a different story all together. Store bought pies usually have a best by date, but if your pie only has a sell by date then it’s best to store the pie in the fridge by that date.

Store bought pies can also be placed in the refrigerator or freezer to help them last longer. Consume these pies within 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator or 6 to 9 months in the freezer after the best by or sell by date.

How to Safely Reheat Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie can either be consumed at room temperature or reheated to a toasty temperature. Here are the best methods for getting pumpkin pie back up to room or baked temperature.

Reheating pumpkin pie

Keep in mind that if you only intend to consume one slice then you should cut yourself a slice and return the rest of the pie to the fridge. You should not reheat the entire pie more than once, otherwise harmful bacteria may grow and develop which can cause food poisoning.

Reheating Pumpkin Pie to Room Temperature

Reheating pumpkin pie to room temperature is as simple as taking the slice or pie out of the fridge and leaving it out for a few minutes. Within ten minutes the slice should be ready to enjoy at room temperature.

A whole pie may take as long as 30 minutes to an hour to reach room temperature depending on the air temp.

Make sure not to leave your pie out for more than two hour before eating it.

Reheating Pumpkin Pie to a Warm or Hot Temperature

Here are two options if you want to enjoy a a reheated pumpkin pie:

  1. MICROWAVE. This method is only for a single slice. Reheat your slice in 10 second intervals to prevent overheating. Monitor closely between intervals.
  2. OVEN. Reheat your slice or pie in the oven at 350ºF. A single slice should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes to reheat. An entire pie may take 15 to 20 minutes.

After you’ve reheated, you are ready to enjoy!

Reheating Frozen Pie

Make sure to thaw out the frozen pie in the refrigerator before reheating it. A whole frozen pie will take about 12 hours while a slice will can thaw out overnight in the fridge.

Follow the same steps above for reheating pumpkin pie to room or warm temperatures.

Remember to not refreeze or refrigerate any pie that has been reheated. Similarly, do not refreeze a pie that has been thawed at as this will encourage bacteria growth and may change the texture of the pie.

The Risks of Eating Pumpkin Pie Left Out

Homemade pumpkin pie that has been sitting out for over 2 hours after baking can potentially develop harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Unfortunately, this means that freshly baked pumpkin pie left out overnight is no longer safe to eat and should be thrown out.

Symptoms of eating left out homemade pumpkin pie include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Symptoms typically develop within six hours to four days, and can persist for a week.

To avoid food poisoning, it’s best to err on the safe side when storing pumpkin pie.

Final Thoughts

In many households, the chaos of the holidays can result in a forgotten pumpkin pie left out on the counter or in the oven.

While there’s a chance that the pumpkin pie is still safe to eat, you want to protect your loved ones from food poisoning especially during a holidays.

A helpful tip for making sure your pumpkin pie doesn’t accidentally get left out is to bake it ahead of time. Pumpkin pie is one of the pie types that tastes great refrigerated, at room temperature, or reheated.

Baking a day in advance also helps the flavors develop which makes for an even more delicious pie.

Regardless if you choose to serve store bought or homemade pumpkin pie, make sure to take the necessary precautions so that you can enjoy it safely!


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