How to Fix Pothos Leaves Curling

How To Fix Pothos Leaves Curling

Pothos is known as a hardy and undemanding plants, which makes it a great beginner frienldy house plant.

While Pothos plants are hardy – they still need the proper care and conditions to thrive in your home.

If the Pothos is not provided with the conditions it needs to grow, the plant will become fragile and look very dull. One of the early signs stress on a struggling pothos is the curling of leaves.

So what causes the leaves to curl on a pothos plant and how can we fix it?

Conditions that will cause the leaves of the Pothos to curl are:

  • Underwatering
  • Overwatering
  • Too much direct sunlight
  • Not enough light
  • Overfertilizing
  • Extremely high temperature
  • Pest or fungal issues

Causes of Curling Leaves on Pothos Plants

Pothos are low-maintenance and great beginner friendly houseplants but do require some consistent care.

Forgetting about the plant or exposing it to harsh conditions will cause the pothos’ leaves to curl.

Lets take a look at the common reasons why the pothos leaves curl and the solutions for each issue.

Underwatering Can Cause Curling Leaves

Like other houseplants, pothos can start to show signs of stress from underwatering.

Once the soil in the pot dries up the pothos leaves will begin to curl, especially if the plant is receiving direct sunlight.

The leave tips will begin to curl since there is not enough moisture in the leaves to keep them straight. If the plant is not watered soon enough, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and brown as they dry out.

When To Water A Pothos Plant

Follow these steps in order to determine when to water a Pothos plant:

  1. Insert your index finger into the soil 1 to 2 inches deep
  2. Feel for moisture
  3. Water if the soil is dry
  4. Do not water if the soil is wet or moist

Using this method of feeling the soil an inch or two deep will allow you to water the plant more often when needed.

Typically the Pothos plant will require more frequent waterings during the spring and summer months when it is hotter and the plant is growing.

When the plant is more dormant during the winter months, the plant will require less frequent waterings which will be reflected in how slowly the soil dries out.

Overwatering Can Cause Curling Leaves

Watering the Pothos plant in excess can cause the leaves to curl.

An excessive amount of water builds up in the soil, which impedes the plant’s root oxygenation. Surprisingly, plants do absorb oxygen through their roots which is impossible if the roots are always surrounded by water.

As a result of overwatering, the plant’s roots will rot which means the plant will be unable to absorb nutrients or water. This causes the leaves to curl and dry out.

When To Water A Pothos Plant

So follow these steps in order to determine when to water a Pothos plant:

  1. Insert your index finger into the soil 1 to 2 inches deep
  2. Feel for moisture
  3. Water if the soil is dry
  4. Do not water if the soil is wet or moist

Excessive Fertilizer Can Cause Curling Leaves

If the foliage on your pothos plants’ leaves is curling at just the tips and changing in color then the likely cause is too much fertilizer in the soil.

The easiest solution to excessive fertilizing of the pothos plant is to skip a feeding cycle and see if the plant’s leaves uncurl.

If the pothos plant’s leaves start turning yellow or falling off then the plant needs to be repotted. Make sure to repot the plant into new indoor potting soil and do not give the plant any additional fertilizer for at least 3 months.

The pothos plant will return to normal over time if excessive fertilizer was the issue for the curling leaves.

Extremely High Temperatures

Wilting and curling of the leaves can occur when water loss exceeds the plant’s ability to adjust.

Extremely high temperature will cause the Pothos leaves to curl whether the high temperature is the result of direct sunlight, air temperature, or a heater vent.

Pothos plants prefer temperatures between 60°F to 85°F. Once the temperature goes above 85°F then the leaves may begin to curl as the plant tries to retain as must moisture as possible.

Disease or Pest Infestation

Diverse plant pests and diseases can cause your plant leaves to droop or curl. They feed on the plant sap, which causes the leaves to wilt or curl away.

These common pests have been known to affect satin, golden, and similar pothos varieties are mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites. These pests are quite harmful and can eat away at the plant causing the leaves to curl. Likewise, bacterial and fungal diseases commonly affect pothos plants.

If you want to stop pest or diseases from making your pothos curl then you can make your own homemade insecticide spray.

Follow this guide on how to make your own homemade insecticidal soapy spray.

This homemade soapy spray is safe to spray on plants and is nontoxic to humans or animals. Simply apply the insecticidal soapy spray once daily until the pests have all been removed.

Insufficient Lighting Causes Leaves To Curl

Pothos, like any live plant, needs a certain amount of light in order to survive and grow.

Pothos require 8-10 hours of bright indirect light per day to absorb nutrients and water, perform photosynthesis, and maintain variegation.

Low light will cause the Pothos leaves to curl or fall off. Typically plants will get “leggy” when they do not receive enough light. This can be seen as the plant tries to stretch closer to the light source which means you will see more stem than leaves.

The most ideal spots for Pothos plants are near a window, balcony, or under a lamp.

Grow lights are a great way to help your pothos cope with low light issues if you don’t have a brighter spot in your home.

If your pothos is suffering from too much direct sunlight then the leaves can curl downward and become sunburned. The soil will also dry out very quickly which will dehydrate your pothos.

Curled and wilted leaves result as a result of too much sunlight as well.

If the pothos plant is receiving too much direct sunlight then placing it further away to a shadier area will resolve the issue. You can also use sheer curtains to filter the direct sunlight which will provide bright indirect sunlight for the Pothos.

How to Prevent Curly Leaves in Pothos?

It is possible to save your Pothos if it is starting to curl its leaves. This is an early sign that the plant needs help.

As long as you give the Pothos the proper growing conditions, the plant will return to its normal happy self.

Understanding the ideal growing conditions of a pothos and figuring out what’s different is the best way to resolve any stress related issues with the plant.

Here is a brief recap of common things to look for when a Pothos has curling leaves:

  • Pothos prefer bright indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight will cause the leaves to curl and burn. Not enough light will cause the plant’s leaves to curl and fall off.
  • The ideal temperature range for a Pothos is between 60°F to 85°F. Too hot or cold temperatures will cause stress on the Pothos which will result in curled leaves.
  • The Pothos plant prefers higher humidity levels which means a drafty walkway, window, or air vent will cause the leaves to curl. Try placing the plant in an area that is less breezy.
  • If there are pests crawling on your pothos than use a homemade insecticidal soapy spray to treat the issue. Once the pests are removed the plant will return to normal and the leaves will uncurl.
  • Keep your plants away from windows in winters. Especially at night, this will prevent the curling of leaves.
  • Shedding off stems and even exposure to the sun can support new growth. You can propagate the clipped stems on the same pot for bushier pothos. They shoot new leaves quickly.
  • Feed with nutrition-rich fertilizer every 2-3 months during summers for fulfilling nutrients needs and regulating faster development.

Final Thoughts

Pothos are a great beginner friendly houseplant that will drape any windowsill or balcony will beautiful green leaves.

As long as the Pothos plant is provided with the right growing conditions, the pant will grow beautiful viny green leaves.

Thankfully Pothos plants will display signs of stress such as curling leaves which is an early indicator that its conditions are not ideal. Simply inspect the plant and test a few different things in order to find the cause of the curling leaves.

Once the plant is in it’s favorite spot in your home, just sit back and enjoy the beautiful green leaves.


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